Depression and anxiety

Whatever your identity or personal history, anxiety and depression are two of the main reasons people come for therapy

Depression and anxiety are two of the fundamental building blocks of human unhappiness. They contribute to a large number of lost days, both in financial terms and general wellbeing, and a huge amount of suffering. While they appear to be very different conditions, they mirror each other in the helplessness and hopelessness they can bring. Sometimes they feed off each other – people sometimes speak of depression as a relief from anxiety.

  • Both might stem from long past or even forgotten situations.
  • Or they may come out of an ongoing situation that you feel you have no control over.
  • Depression can make you feel stuck, labelled, helpless or useless.
  • Anxiety can feed a sense of existential fragility, lack of safety, worry, and fear.

I can sit with you and witness all this, help you figure out where it’s coming from, and together we can work on how you can reduce its impact on your life.

Contact me here.